Ballad of a Thin Man

Bob Dylan


You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand You see somebody naked and you say "who is that man ?" You try so hard but you just don't understand Just what you will say when you get home Because something is happening here And you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones You raise up your head and you ask "is this where it is ?" And somebody points to you and says "its his" And you say "what's mine ?" and somebody else says "well WHAT is" And you say "oh my god - am i here all alone ?" But something is happening here And you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones You hand in you ticket and you go watch the geek Who immediately walks up to you when he hears you speak Saying "how does it feel to be such a freak ?" And you say "impossible" as he hands you a bone And something is happening here But you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones You have many contacts among the lumberjacks To get you facts when someone attacks your imagination But nobody has any respect, anyway they already expect you To all give a check to tax-deductable charity organizations You've been with the professors, and they all liked your looks With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks You've read all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books You're very well read, its well known But something is happening here And you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones Well, the swordswallower comes up to you and then he kneels He crosses himself and he clicks his high heels And without further notice he asks you how it feels And he says "here is your throat back, thanks for the loan" And you know something is happening But you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones Now you see this one-eyed midget saying the word "now" And you say "for what reason ?" and he says "how ?" And you say "what does this mean ?" and he screams back "you're a cow ! Give me some milk - or else go home !" And you KNOW somethings happening here But you dont know what it is, do you, Mister Jones Well, you walk into the room like a camel and then you frown You put your eyes in your pocket and your nose on the ground There oughtta be a law against you coming around You should be made to wear earphones Cause something is happening here And you don't know what it is, do you, Mister Jones

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, F, Fmaj7, G, E
empty heart empty heart B5, E5, B, G#m, E, E7
empty heart empty heart Am, Em, G, D
empty heart empty heart C, Bm, Am, C/D, G, Cm, G#, D, Bb
empty heart empty heart D, G, A7, Bm, F#m, Bb
empty heart empty heart G#, E, A, D, G, B, e, Emaj7, E7, Am, D9
empty heart empty heart Am, Em, F, C, B, G, E, Dm, A, a
La chanson évoque une expérience troublante et déroutante où une personne, représentée par Mister Jones, se retrouve dans une situation qu'il ne comprend pas. Il est confronté à des personnages étranges et à des questions qui le laissent perplexe, comme s'il était un spectateur d'un monde qu'il ne maîtrise pas. À travers des rencontres avec des figures hors du commun, il réalise qu'il y a quelque chose d'important qui se passe autour de lui, mais il est incapable d'en saisir le sens. Le contexte semble refléter une période de bouleversement social et culturel, où l'individu se sent désorienté face aux changements rapides de la société. Les interactions avec les autres illustrent son isolement et son incapacité à trouver sa place, tout en soulignant les attentes et les normes qui l'entourent. Cela renvoie à un sentiment d’aliénation tout en mettant en lumière la quête de sens dans un monde complexe.