Tokyo Girl

Ace of Base


Intro :                       To-ky-o  girl... Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl You've got the moves to rule  the world That cute inscru - tability     Tokyo girl, you're a my - stery Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl Shaking up hearts around  the world You can't forget that stunning face Smiling at you it's your des - tiny     She's got the face sweet as a ba - by     Elegant taste and money to  burn     Her "yes" is "no", "no" is a "may - be"     Her language is so hard to  learn [INTERLUDE 1] | D#(sus4)D# || (n.c.) Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl You've got the moves to rule  the world That cute inscru - tability     Tokyo girl, you're a my - stery   In Tokyo |  |   || || Though there's a fire, burns inside her Outside is i  -  vory, silk and ice Nothing she wants is denied her You'd better take my advice Many have tried to get near her Deep in the heart    of Tokyo Found nothing there    but a mirror She's no one you'll ever know   Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl You've got the moves to rule  the world That cute inscru - tability    Tokyo girl, you're a my - stery   In Tokyo |  |   || ||     She's got the face sweet as a ba - by     Elegant taste and money to  burn     Her "yes" is "no", "no" is a "may - be"     Her language is so hard to  learn | || (n.c.) Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl You've got the moves to rule  the world That cute inscru - tability     Tokyo girl, you're a my - stery Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl Shaking up hearts around  the world You can't forget that stunning face Smiling at you it's your des - tiny In Tokyo,    sweet as a baby In Tokyo,    sweet as a baby In Tokyo,    sweet as a baby Sweet as a baby Sweet as a baby

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#m, B, G#
empty heart empty heart Am, C, Em, Dm, G
empty heart empty heart Bm, F#m, A, E, Em, D, G
empty heart empty heart D, Em, C, F, Am
empty heart empty heart G, Dm, Am, Am/C, C, B
empty heart empty heart Bb, Gm, Cm, F, Bbmaj7, G
empty heart empty heart C, Em, Am, F, G7, c, Am7, G, Em7, A, Dm7, A7
empty heart empty heart C, Dm, Bb, F, Db, Ebm, B, F#
empty heart empty heart Bm, B7, D, A, Em, G, Dmaj7, F#
empty heart empty heart A, Bm, G, D, D4
La chanson chante l'envoûtement d'une femme mystérieuse originaire de Tokyo, qui charme le monde avec sa grâce et son allure. Elle est décrite comme une personne aux caractéristiques fascinantes, à la beauté enfantine, mais aussi avec une personnalité difficile à cerner, ce qui rend son charme encore plus captivant. Son attitude paradoxale rend la communication complexe, et ceux qui tentent de l'approcher se retrouvent souvent face à un reflet, symbolisant l'unicité de son identité. Le contexte semble évoquer un mélange de fascination et d'évasion, faisant allusion à une culture urbaine dynamique et à l'éclat d'une vie pleine de promesses et de mystères. Cette atmosphère si particulière de Tokyo, comme une toile de fond, accentue le caractère insaisissable de la protagoniste.