Lucky Love

Ace of Base


Well here it is! One of the few Ace of Base songs (acoustic) I’ve heard. A fun happy and easy song to play. My transcription isn’t perfect but still sounds good. I’m not 100% sure about the transition from the chorus to the bridge. If you can do better (highly likely) let me know. send comments to Robert [email protected] Enjoy! The basic chord progression is FCDmBb all throughout the verses and chorus. Listen to the song for the strumming pattern. It isn’t too difficult. Chords: F  xx33211  Bb x13331 C  x32010   A  x02220 Dm x00231   G  320033  INTRO       Life is a paradise Woah oh woah oh yeah! Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight BRIDGE              I believe life could be paradise once again And the love we thought we lost is sleeping within Close your eyes it’s something for you CHORUS Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know I’m a prisoner of hope I know  BRIDGE                                  We are young and we are old we’re fallen like leaves And your heart’s so full of soul it makes me believe Once again it’s something for you  CHORUS            Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight  RIFF                                    1:41-1:50 e-|-----5--------5---|-----5-------5---|-----3---------3----1-| B-|---6---6----6---6-|---6---6---6---6-|---6---6-----6---6--3-| G-|-7--------6-------|-5-------4-------|-3-------3-3--------2-| D-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------0-| A-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------x-| E-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------x-| 1:51-2:00   (I’m not to sure   about this part?) e-|-----5--------5---|-----5-------5---|-----3---------3------|--1-3-1-5-| B-|---6---6----6---6-|---6---6---6---6-|---6---6-----6---6----|----------| G-|-7--------6-------|-5-------4-------|-3-------3-3-------3--|-2--------| D-|------------------|-----------------|----------------------|----------| A-|------------------|-----------------|----------------------|----------| E-|------------------|-----------------|----------------------|----------|            The bridge over time was what she need to see the light to see            the light Whoo yeah!        Lucky love Lucky love Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven Lucky love Lucky love Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven woah oh woah oh yeah! Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know ’Cause I’ve been there with you tonight Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven I know I know I’m a prisoner of hope I know OUTRO             2:39-END     Dm e-|-----5--------5---|-----5-------5---|-----3---------3----1-| B-|---6---6----6---6-|---6---6---6---6-|---6---6-----6---6--3-| G-|-7--------6-------|-5-------4-------|-3-------3-3--------2-| D-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------0-| A-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------x-| E-|------------------|-----------------|--------------------x-| Song ends on

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart Am, C, Em, Dm, G
empty heart empty heart A, Bm, G, D, D4
empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#m, B, G#
empty heart empty heart C, Em, Am, F, G7, c, Am7, G, Em7, A, Dm7, A7
empty heart empty heart G, Em, C, D
empty heart empty heart G, Dm, Am, Am/C, C, B
empty heart empty heart E, Dbm, F#m, B, G#m, G#
empty heart empty heart A, E, F#m, D, Dbm, Bm, Db, C, B, F#, G#m
empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#m, G#
empty heart empty heart C, Dm, Bb, F, Db, Ebm, B, F#
Cette chanson évoque l'idée que l'amour chanceux révèle une beauté particulière, presque céleste, pendant l'adolescence. Elle exprime un sentiment de nostalgie et d'espoir, suggérant que des moments de joie intime partagés avec un être cher peuvent créer un véritable petit paradis. Les paroles parlent de la possibilité de retrouver des sensations perdues et d'un amour qui, même s'il semble évanoui, demeure enfoui en nous, attendant d'être réveillé. Le contexte de cette chanson est résolument léger et optimiste, centré sur les expériences de la jeunesse et le bonheur que l'on peut tirer des relations amoureuses. On y trouve une invitation à croire en la magie de l'amour, malgré les aléas du temps et des épreuves de la vie.