
Ace of Base


Ace of Base Donnie - Flowers/Cruel Summer Album [Intro]           [Verse 1] Donnie’s got a secret and you know it He was yours in the summertime yeah About ten years ago He promised you to stay forever Live with you It’s so bittersweet now When you know what you lost [Chorus] Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your side Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for one by one Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and night But Donnie had a girlfriend: tender sexy sweet and blonde Post chorus: In the summer time yeah In the summer time yeah Life was easy   On the beach you had him long ago [Verse 2] He’s always on your mind The season changes Years went by But that chapter of love stays unfinished for you Keep on dancing through your new life Maybe make a move Make him see you again As the flower you are [Chorus] Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your side Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for one by one Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and night But Donnie had a girlfriend: tender sexy sweet and blonde Post chorus: In the summer time yeah In the summer time yeah Life was easy   On the beach you had him long ago [Chorus] (Repeat and repeat): Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your side Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for one by one Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and night But Donnie had a girlfriend: tender sexy sweet and blonde Donnie was the boy you always wanted by your side Donnie was the boy your girlfriends fell for one by one Donnie was the boy you always wanted day and night But Donnie had a girlfriend: tender sexy sweet and blonde

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, B, Am, Em, Dm, G/B, G, Dm/A, E9, E4, E, Em7/B, F, Am/G, F6, Am7/C
empty heart empty heart Gm, Eb, C, D, G, Em, Am
empty heart empty heart Am, C, Em, Dm, G
empty heart empty heart A, Bm, G, D, D4
empty heart empty heart Bb, Gm, Cm, F, Bbmaj7, G
empty heart empty heart D, A, Em, Bm, G, D/F#, F#, F#m, Em/B
empty heart empty heart C, Em, Am, F, G7, c, Am7, G, Em7, A, Dm7, A7
empty heart empty heart G, Dm, Am, Am/C, C, B
empty heart empty heart G#m, E, F#, C#m, B, D#, B/D#, C#/G#
empty heart empty heart Bm, B7, D, A, Em, G, Dmaj7, F#
La chanson raconte l'histoire d'une jeune femme qui se remémore un amour passé, un garçon appelé Donnie, dont elle était profondément éprise pendant l'été. Elle se souvient des promesses qu'il lui avait faites, mais, avec le temps, elle réalise qu'il n'a pas été à ses côtés comme elle l'aurait souhaité, car il avait une autre petite amie. Malgré les années qui passent et le changement des saisons, elle ressent toujours un vide et un regret lié à cette relation inachevée. La nostalgie fait partie intégrante de cette réflexion sur un amour d'été, entouré de souvenirs d'insouciance et de bonheur sur la plage. Dans ce contexte, la chanson évoque la complexité des sentiments et des relations amoureuses, où les désirs d'un passé idéalisé se heurtent à la réalité du présent.