All that She Wants

Ace of Base


She leeds a lonely life She leeds a lonely life When she woke up late in the morning light And the day has just begun Ahe opened her eyes and thought Ho'what a morning It's not a day for work It's a day for catching tan Just laying on the beach and having fun She's going to get you All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants All that she wants So if you are in sight and the day is right She's the hunter you're the fox The gentle voice that talks to you Won't talk forever It's a night for passion But the morning means goodbye Beware of that is flashing on her eyes She's going to get you All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants is another baby She's gone tomorrow boy All that she wants is another baby All that she wants All that she wants

Du même artiste :

empty heart empty heart C, Em, Am, F, G7, c, Am7, G, Em7, A, Dm7, A7
empty heart empty heart D, G, A, A7, Em, C, F
empty heart empty heart C, Dm, Bb, F, Db, Ebm, B, F#
empty heart empty heart A, Bm, G, D, D4
empty heart empty heart Dbm, F#m, G#
empty heart empty heart D, D7/C, Bm, G, F#, D6, A, Em, F#/Bb
empty heart empty heart Bb, Gm, Cm, F, Bbmaj7, G
empty heart empty heart F, C, Dm, Bb, A, G
empty heart empty heart Am, C, Em, Dm, G
empty heart empty heart A, E, F#m, D, Dbm, Bm, Db, C, B, F#, G#m
Dans cette chanson, on parle d'une femme qui mène une vie solitaire et dont les matins sont souvent consacrés à se détendre sur la plage, loin des tracas du monde. Elle recherche des plaisirs éphémères, avec une attitude insouciante, mais cela va de pair avec le fait qu'elle ne s'attache pas. Chaque rencontre est temporaire, car elle semble toujours chercher un nouvel amour, une nouvelle aventure, sans vouloir s'engager sur le long terme. Le contexte pourrait être celui d'une époque où la distraction et les relations sans lendemain sont courantes, reflétant un certain mode de vie moderne où les sentiments profonds se mêlent à la légèreté des interactions.